lördag 12 juli 2014

Christine Lagardes luciferianska ockultiska meddelande.

Under Christina Lagardes nyårstal, så visades eliternas tydliga besatthet av numerologi. Nu varnar Lindsey Williams om att något är på väg att ske redan nu under sommaren. Är det IMF som planerar en global valutaåterställning? Återstår att se. 

Men visst är det märkligt hur Lagarde så tydligt markerar numerologins vikt. Lagarde precis som alla andra inom eliten är extremt religiösa luciferianer. Något som de flesta ateister och hedningar kommer aldrig att förstå, och kommer därmed aldrig att kunna bekämpa den verkliga NWO. Ty de vet helt enkelt inte vad NWO (Den Nya Världsordningen) egentligen är. De har aldrig rört vid en Bibel, och har de gjort det, så har de förmodligen rört vid en felaktigt översatt piratbibel som jesuiterna och övriga kontrollerade samfund har att erbjuda.

Observera nu noga på hur den kriminella Christine Lagarde från IMF formulerar sig. Frågan är då vad IMF planerar för den 20 juli 2014. Förmodligen något som vi inte kommer att märka. Enligt Lindsey Williams är det som sker under 2014, endast förberedelser inför den riktiga ekonomiska kollapsen som kommer att komma senare. Intressant är att Williams även påpekar eliternas hintande vid just deras besatthet kring numerologi: 

My Elite friend just briefed me on everything that can be expected for 2015. All the Elite agendas.

I can keep quiet no longer. I must tell everything. As our readers know – I have been quiet for nine months. I cannot stand by and watch certain things happen in 2015 and not tell you in advance.
Watch the web site and I will post bulletins as I decide how to tell what I have been briefed on.
2015 will be the most eventful year you and I have ever lived.
Everyone must understand the following -
  • Cycles of seven.
  • Elite riot control.
  • Blood Moons.
  • Where the Elite Hospital is. (YOU WILL NEED IT)

How much time do we have?

- See more at: http://www.lindseywilliams.net/#sthash.ojzIdmqA.dpuf

My Elite friend just briefed me on everything that can be expected for 2015. All the Elite agendas.

I can keep quiet no longer. I must tell everything. As our readers know – I have been quiet for nine months. I cannot stand by and watch certain things happen in 2015 and not tell you in advance.
Watch the web site and I will post bulletins as I decide how to tell what I have been briefed on.
2015 will be the most eventful year you and I have ever lived.
Everyone must understand the following -
  • Cycles of seven.
  • Elite riot control.
  • Blood Moons.
  • Where the Elite Hospital is. (YOU WILL NEED IT)

How much time do we have?

- See more at: http://www.lindseywilliams.net/#sthash.ojzIdmqA.dpuf

My Elite friend just briefed me on everything that can be expected for 2015. All the Elite agendas.

I can keep quiet no longer. I must tell everything. As our readers know – I have been quiet for nine months. I cannot stand by and watch certain things happen in 2015 and not tell you in advance.
Watch the web site and I will post bulletins as I decide how to tell what I have been briefed on.
2015 will be the most eventful year you and I have ever lived.
Everyone must understand the following -
  • Cycles of seven.
  • Elite riot control.
  • Blood Moons.
  • Where the Elite Hospital is. (YOU WILL NEED IT)

How much time do we have?

- See more at: http://www.lindseywilliams.net/my-elite-friend-just-briefed-me-on-everything-that-can-be-expected-for-2015-all-the-elite-agendas/#sthash.fnwwGYrm.dpuf
"My Elite friend just briefed me on everything that can be expected for 2015. All the Elite agendas. 

I can keep quiet no longer. I must tell everything. As our readers know – I have been quiet for nine months. I cannot stand by and watch certain things happen in 2015 and not tell you in advance. 

Watch the web site and I will post bulletins as I decide how to tell what I have been briefed on. 

2015 will be the most eventful year you and I have ever lived. 

Everyone must understand the following -     

Cycles of seven.    

Elite riot control.    

Blood Moons.    

Where the Elite Hospital is. (YOU WILL NEED IT) 

How much time do we have?"

My Elite friend just briefed me on everything that can be expected for 2015. All the Elite agendas.

I can keep quiet no longer. I must tell everything. As our readers know – I have been quiet for nine months. I cannot stand by and watch certain things happen in 2015 and not tell you in advance.
Watch the web site and I will post bulletins as I decide how to tell what I have been briefed on.
2015 will be the most eventful year you and I have ever lived.
Everyone must understand the following -
  • Cycles of seven.
  • Elite riot control.
  • Blood Moons.
  • Where the Elite Hospital is. (YOU WILL NEED IT)

How much time do we have?

- See more at: http://www.lindseywilliams.net/#sthash.ojzIdmqA.dpuf

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